Fee Structure

WACEL Member Firm Rates

Review Class for Soils I Special Inspector and Concrete I (cost of written exam are included in cost) $310 per attendee
Written Examination  

Soils I, Concrete I, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Foundation Technician, Fireproofing, Fire Stopping, Structural Concrete Inspector, Structural Steel Inspector, Soil Lab Technician, Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing Technician, Aggregate Laboratory Technician

$150 per examination

Practical Examinations
Concrete Technician Level I and Soil Level I $200 per examination

Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing and Aggregate Laboratory Technician

Soil Laboratory Technician  Proficieny 

$200 per examination

$400 per examination

Proficiency exams that are given in-house must be overseen by the firm’s PE of record, videotaped and sent to WACEL for grading. 

Testing at member’s facility (five tests minimum) in the WACEL service territory $250 per visit plus exam costs and travel expenses.


Nonmember Firm Rates

Nonmembers must prepay for all exams. Applications will not be honored unless accompanied by payment.  WACEL accepts checks or money orders for payment.  WACEL does NOT accept credit cards.

Review Class for Soils I, Concrete I, and Plan Reading (cost of written exam for Soils I and Concrete I are included in cost) $610 per attendee
Written Examination  
Soils I, Concrete I, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Foundation Technician, Fireproofing, Fire Stopping, Structural Concrete Inspector, Structural Steel Inspector, Soil Lab Technician, Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing Technician, Aggregate Laboratory Technician $410 per examination
Practical Examinations  
Concrete Technician Level I $410 per examination

Soils Level I, Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing Technician,

Aggregate Laboratory Testing Technician, Soils Laboratory Testing Technician

$410 per examination*

$500 per examination


Government or Nonprofit Organization Representatives Rates

Review Class for Soils I and Concrete I (cost of written exam for Soils I and Concrete I are included in cost) $310 per attendee
Written Examination  
Soils I, Concrete I, Reinforced Concrete, Masonry, Foundation Technician, Fireproofing, Fire Stopping, Structural Concrete Inspector, Structural Steel Inspector, Soil Lab Technician, Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing Technician, Aggregate Laboratory Technician $160 per examination
Practical Examinations
Concrete Technician Level I $210 per examination

Soils Level I, Concrete/Masonry Strength Testing Technician,

Aggregate Laboratory Testing Technician, Soils Laboratory Testing Technician

$210 per examination*

$410 per examination*


Cancellation/No-Show Charge

Cancellations of training courses or concrete practical exams must be received by email ( by noon on the business day prior to the class or exam.  Technicians who apply to the training courses or concrete practical exam but fail to attend are billed a no-show charge. Member technicians are charged a no-show charge if they fail to attend a scheduled practical examination. Nonmember technicians will forfeit their testing fee if they fail to show for the practical exam.

Rates are effective April 1, 2024.